zondag 30 december 2007

2007 for dummies

Reminiscing always renews our reasons to exists. It creates art, popsongs (are those considered art?) and provides a steady income for pharmacists.
My way of reminiscing is simply recalling the moments that made me believe there was "something wrong". While I've noticed most people reminisce out of spite, boredom or simply on automatic pilot.

I seem to realize more and more that I tend to surround myself with people who live on the edge and stimulate my darker side. No need to stimulate the bright & right side, because getting up at six in the morning for a job you're not quite sure you either dislike or hate is "bright & right" enough in my mind.
Chaos helps me focus. Stress helps me relax...so it seems fair enough that the best person to evoke these emotions is the one I need the most in the end.
Even more paradoxal is that this person will probably be dead within the next 8 years...or at least dying. I keep referring to him as person because I can not truly regard him as a friend...but more as a personification of my dark side, bound together by the ruthless twine of self-loathing ,sarcasme and mutual hate . Sad as it may seem , "not" mentioning this persona would mean the end of my quest for what's right and wrong, thus meaning I would have found the solution to well..."me" .

Of course when facing the world we always need our heroes...even before I managed to shake approximately 70% of my bodyfat from me (read: last year), I've always included people with steel vaginas or angry girls as my main energy ribbons. This year, a new heroine battling heroin was found: Cleopatra Jones. Even the name inspires dynamic non-stop deliciousness and you get seventies' grammar as a surplus bonus (for all you fellow linguists out there).

Of course heroines against heroin weren't the only thing that made me tick...some bastards came and went, but the nastiest one (the one who still stings like a bee) was without a doubt dear old T.
Tall, Jewish-looking not-outta-the-closet man who hides from himself with a vengeance. It was strange having him inside me, because I could never quite figure out if he was in fact convinced he'd fall in love with me once he put his guard down, or if he was just using me to fulfill his basic instincts. Either way, he left and I was glad for it. Of course I recently heard he found himself a new boytoy to play hide 'n seek with...but somehow F. made me not wanna shout out for vengeance and blood, which made me realize I just HAD to persue F. more. So in a way I should thank T. for creating the usual tumultuous lust for self-destruction, because it made it possible for me to actually notice F. would push those very emotions aside and replace them with indifference and curiosety towards him. (Nearly incomprehensible is it not?)

I dislike enumerations so I'll just drop the names and pictures that were worth mentioning this year and let you have your own take on it. (mental note: define "you")

The Devil's rejects or Christian soldiers?

Ladies in lavender or ladies ready to die for the cause?

Chardonnay can only do so much...

In the category of "movies that actually made me feel" I can only pick Pan's Labyrinth, Piggy Banks and the Fountain.

All in all, 2007 was marked by a change of habits...but the never-ending gagaism always stayed in the background like a lighthouse of insanity on fire. Well that or I'm simply getting less ashamed of the voyeur in me. Either way, 2008 is inescapable, or to put it in the words of the old Queen here below: "utterly flabbergasted"

1 opmerking:

sven augusteyns zei

knappe foto's,
ik dacht eerst dat ze uit een film kwamen. maar neen Yves ze komen uit jou film